So, I turn 21 (again) next year and I figured I’d create a fun way to celebrate this milestone by creating a bucket list of sorts….Each item on the list is either something that I’ve always wanted to do, just discovered I wanted to do, thought that I should have done by now or was highly recommended by a cherished family member or friend.
From now until June 17, 2014, my birthday, I’ll chronicle my journey through the list (in no particular order)…and hey, I might even find new things to add. This seems like it is going to be a ton of fun and I look forward to you taking this journey with me. Please check in on me, keep me encouraged and hold me accountable for completing my list. Also, feel free to be inspired and create your own list….take time to do those small things you’ve always wanted to do and just never made time for.
1.) Perform a stand-up comedy routine
2.) Produce a film project
3.) Take a cooking class (master a meal)
4.) Panhandle and donate the money to charity
5.) Take 30 day Bikram Yoga challenge
6.) Learn to play a musical instrument
7.) Go ziplining
8.) Visit Ben’s Chilli Bowl
9.) Find a charitable organization and volunteer at least once a month
10.) Take a photography class
11.) Do a water adventure (ie. Swim with the dolphins, snorkeling, scuba diving)
12.) Go vegetarian for one month
13.) Try Pink’s Hotdogs
14.) Visit Disneyland
15.) Visit the Houston side of my family
16.) Help 1 person with something they’re really struggling with
17.) Do a wine-tasting tour
18.) Visit Sequoia National Park
19.) Visit Mexico
20.) Visit the San Diego Zoo
21.) Read Blink by Malcolm Gladwell
22.) Record a song
23.) Take a dance class
24.) Finish writing a feature length film script
25.) Create a visual art project (ie. Painting, sculpture)
26.) Take a Hollywood Tour
27.) Get a henna tattoo
28.) Make a piece of jewelry or article of clothing
29.) Visit Huntington Botanical Gardens
30.) Crash a party
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I have a “bucket” list on my blog as well, but I really like yours. Especially number one. Have you ever done stand-up comedy before? I think getting up on a stage and trying to make people laugh must be one of the scariest things to do. Huge props for having that on your list!
How fun! I’ll follow you as well. Let’s keep each other encouraged :)……I’m an actress but I have never done stand-up before. It terrifies me because all I can think of is getting up there and hearing crickets after telling a joke I just knew was going to kill lol. Gotta get over that though…One of my friends also suggested posing nude for an art class….that might have to make it on my “40 by 40” list lol
Oh wow! That is an interesting one. I might add that to my list as well. Talk about getting thrust outside of your comfort zone! Yes! Let’s encourage each other 🙂