I have always been enthralled by nature. Maybe it comes from being named after a tree, but I believe it is through nature that God has taught me some of my greatest lessons. For example, I’ve recently been quite stressed over what seems to be a barrage of unpleasantries that occur, nearly daily. From things dealing with my house to my finances and even my own personal well-being and mental state…I’ve allowed fear, anger and even resentment to run rampant while forgetting the very ideals that have held true all of my life. Lately I’ve been so worried about what the world (bill collectors, casting directors, talent agents, “friends”, etc) have been saying that I’ve forgotten to remember what God has always told me……
Well, Sunday, after an audition I head to my car and as I’m about to pull off I notice this tiny yellow and brown thing on my windshield. Upon further inspection I found that it was, in fact, a baby bird…..now, anyone who knows me knows that I was about to have a new pet lol. I was parked under a tree and I imagine the bird fell onto my car while preparing to venture off on his own. He got the courage to fly away when I went to the front of the car to check on him. I guess he’d heard about me and my obsession with nature/animals lol.
Tonight, while reading my bible I get lost in Psalms, as I often do when I read it…..and came across this passage that I had to share:
Psalms 124:7-8
“7. We have escaped like a bird out of the fowler’s snare; the snare has been broken, and we have escaped. 8. Our help is in the name of the Lord, the Maker of heaven and Earth.”
I’m certain that had I not experienced my nearly new pet this week, I probably would have glazed right over that passage. But I honestly beleive that God had something for me in those words…..and for you as well. So I share them with you, in hopes that whatever you’re going through, whatever your own personal terrors and trials you’ll remember that We’ve already escaped, the snare has been broken and that God is our help!
Peace and blessings,